Enrichment Days
"Given a chance a child will bring the confusion of the world to the woods,
wash it in the creek, and turn it over
to see what lives on the unseen side of
that confusion."
Margaret McMillan (1860-1931) educator
Enrichment Days use the woodland environment to bring a new dimension to the curriculum.
Sessions run for a morning or a day for a maximum of 30 pupils and incorporate the forest school principles and some of the activities. They complement the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).
The enrichment days are flexible. They can be adapted or the school may wish to choose their own theme. The Woodland Adventure team love a challenge!
Hands-on learning to discover the natural world and stimulate
enquiring minds. Focusing on:
- Invertebrates/mini beasts
- Pond dipping
- Leaf identification
- Natural materials
- Arts and crafts
Enchanted Woodland
Literacy based on popular stories.
Children enter a world of fantasy to search for much loved characters in the woods and weave their own tales.
Class teachers may choose their own books for the session.
Neolithic/Iron Age Experience
Travelling into the past to explore signs of the Stone Age. Children have a chance to build their own settlements, light fires and make primal drawings.
Team Building
Courses focus on team building skills i.e. learning to
work cooperatively, positive behaviour, building self-esteem.
'Woodland Challenges' undertaken include:
- Den building
- Raft making
- Fire lighting
- Scavenging
- Cooking round the campfire