"You're local. We know who you are and where you are and we trust you." Early Years Centre Manager, Hertfordshire
Working with schools is a dialogue. We understand that the staff know their pupils well and we aim to work with them to help the young people reach their targets and to recognise when they achieve them through shared monitoring of achievement.
From September 2019, the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework came into effect, bringing with it a focus on "cultural capital" and stated that this should include experiencing the "awe and wonder" of the world we live in.
"Working with the children it was fantastic to see those who struggle to concentrate in the classroom so engaged and focused." Year 4 teacher, Brent.
The Woodland Adventure curriculum caters for young people from 3 to 18 years with a variety of needs from special, mainstream and supplementary schools, and pupil referral units. Learning is hands on and sessions are pupil led. The aim is to nurture and encourage, and to develop social skills and self-esteem.
"For kinaesthetic learners who like to be incredibly active I think the Woodland Adventure Forest School is excellent." Headteacher PRU Harrow
Many of our clients have been sending young people to the Forest School since Woodland Adventure began, but we are also taking on new groups all the time. The manager will discuss the needs of your pupils with you. Initial staff visits to the Woodland Adventure site can be arranged.